University of Southampton
- Computer Vision
image analysis, edge-detection, search
- Machine Learning
neural networks, pre-processing, principal component analysis, identification of handwritten digits
- Critical Systems
correction proofs, error and risk analysis
- Advanced Databases
query optimization, indexes, B+ trees, distributed databases
- Large-Scale Distributed Systems
sensor networs, distributed processing, leader election, map/reduce, grid
University of Copenhagen
- Data Structures: Theory and Practice
self-adjustable data structures, heaps, trees, hashing, C++ templates, cache-oblivious
- Constrained Continous Optimization
physics simulation, line-search, trust region, linear complementary, splitting method
- Advanced Programming
closures, monads, continuations, phantom-types, compilers
- Cryptology
aes, rsa, el-gamal, elliptic curves, sha
University of Copenhagen
- 2009-01 · Communication of Scientific Results
articles, news stories, point of view
- Introduction to Distributed Systems
redundancy, security, integrity, file systems, protocols
- Bachelor Thesis
group ranking, optimization algorithms, pagerank
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Algebra
graphs, combinatorics, number theory, groups
- Advanced Algorithms
optimization, max flow, NP problems, branch and bound, approximations
- Mathematical Methods
proofs, logic, fields, relations, numbers
- Probability and Statistics
- Introduction to Mathematics
- Multimedia Compression
- Theory of Science
- Introduction to Optimization
- Programming Languages
- Compilers
- Data Networking
- Linear Algebra
- Distribution and Databases
- First Year Project
- Operating Systems and Multiprogramming
- Algorithms and Datastructures
- Machine Arcitechture
- Objectoriented Programming and Design
- Mathematics and Computations
- Functional Programming